Phase 1

So yep I've been gone a while again.  But in my excuse it's been pretty busy and interesting here. We did a surprise trip to Adelaide over the school holidays and that was awesome. Got to see family and friends and a few holiday activities for the kids.

So we were only home four weeks before we got the news. The company my husband works for merged and his position became redundant, he was offered a promotion in the new department but we turned it down. By turning down the position it has enabled us to start our dream 1 year early! So in 9 short days we will be moving back to Adelaide, back to family, back to friends and back to find our little piece of paradise.

Our plan is to stay on at Rick's parents property until we purchase ours which should be before Christmas  this year. We are very excited that our dream is starting a year earlier!

I hope to keep this more updated as we start our dream.


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