Worth the money.

I hope everyone is having a lovely and happy holiday season. We had a lovely break in Adelaide and spent Christmas with our family. It was lovely. The kids had a ball and their excitement rubbed off on me and I found myself the first one awake on Christmas morning. Great food and great company, made for a very special day.

A new year is fast approaching and I have so much I want to achieve in the next year. I have goals for my self and my family. I hope that the new year sees big changes and dreams coming true.

We had some news about the farm just before Christmas that was hard to take. Our little dream farm is full to the brim of  LIVE termites! The pest inspection was well worth our money and seeing as the damage was so extensive (the inspector suggested a total demolition) we decided to cancel the contract on the property. So back to square one again. We are now looking into 2 properties, one in Jamestown and the other on the fringe of Clare. Both have their ups and downs but are worth a look.

So off we go again on our little farm hunting Adventure!

Christmas lunch with my side of the family.


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