Once again.

Our offer was accepted on the property. It's very exciting  but I am still trying not to let myself get carried away. I don't want to lose this one. Our inspections on the property will be carried out on Tuesday this coming week. I am hoping they come back clear of termites and no major structural issues.
The settlement date is for the 14th of March and we estimate our move would be about Christmas time this year. That way the major work will hopefully be done.

Our kids started back at school this last week. Cody in year 4, Jackson in year 1 and Charlotte was off to kindy for the first time.
There were a few tears and big bottom lips but she had a great couple of days.

My creative bug has hit with a passion but I find the lack of materials a bit hard here. I have been looking on line for some yarn and material but would really like to look in person. I feel like making some stuff for winter and some simple summer dresses for myself and Charlotte.


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