I'm back.

It has been a very long time since I posted. We have had a very busy year and a few things got put on the back burner including this blog. After setting up a great little business with my cakes, I found I had really not a lot of time for anything else. Spent so much time working at it and making cakes I missed so much going on around me. So after some thought I decided to leave the cake world and head back to being a mum and taking care of my family.

So it's 2013 a whole new year and a fresh start. The new year always brings with new plans and goals. This year we have some big goals. Our biggest by far is to buy our farm! We have been longing for a very long time to live on acreage and build a self sustainable and sufficient life. We also hope to purchase land that can bring in an income and hopefully turn a decent enough profit so we can just be farmers and nothing else. Doesn't that just sound so dreamy! We are working hard to achieve this this year so here's hoping all the hard work pays off and we will be happy little producers come 2014.

Other goals for myself this year include getting organised. Organising my time better and more efficient. Our middle child Jack starts school this year and our youngest Charlotte starts pre-school as well. Cody will be in year 3 this year and I know we are in for a lot of homework and after school activities.

Spending more quality time as a family and getting outdoors more.

Eating better and learning more about foods and how they fuel our bodies.

I plan on making small goals each and every week to help achieve our bigger ones!

So here's to 2013 and a big year in our little world!

It feels good to be back!


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